Black Hound

Written: May 13, 2024

Last June, I concluded being a sighthound therian as opposed to a wild canine. It's been more consistent as a result and requires no validation from others. It gets convoluted by me additionally feeling that I'm a black dog as found in folklore. My self-image is often black in coloration and sometimes with tan/gold markings. That's fine. Not all black dogs considered to be such in folklore are actually black (looking at the Gallytrot for that example).

At first, I assumed black dog to be a sort of archetypical paratype brought about by both me being a dog and my own ties to death. It's very clearly not mutually exclusive. I feel just as much like a regular dog as I feel like a folkloric black dog. My identification as a sighthound only applies to the breed grouping. Non-sighthounds aren't included as a theriotype and feel more like a paratype-akin-to-hearttype. My identification as a black dog seems to encompass the whole black dog species (if such a term even applies). I feel just as much a malevolent black dog as I do a more benevolent black dog and just as much of a black dog tied to death as a black dog tied to being a sort of guide & protector.

Where it gets murky is the overlap. Both dogs. As a black dog, I still feel like a sighthound in appearance (borzoi-ish so definitely not a traditional breed for the areas of black dog origins) as opposed to anything else. As a sighthound, I still get traces of black dogness in how my nonhumanity is and vice versa. This cannot be clearly separated and taken apart. I figure this is what makes it both a theriotype and a paratype. One would not exist and cannot exist without the other.

I don't have much else to say at this moment.
